First charis training Course

for young People

15-25 July 2021

Casa Divin Maestro (Ariccia – Roma)

Dear young people,

On the eve of Pentecost, during the first international conference of CHARIS, Pope Francis addressed these words to us:

“Young people are the future of the Church, it is true, but they are the present: they are the present and the future of the Church. I am glad that you have given them the visibility and responsibility to see the present with new eyes and to look to the future with you.”

Dear young people, let us respond with courage and enthusiasm to the invitation of Pope Francis who calls us to actively collaborate in the action of the Holy Spirit.

With great joy, I announce that CHARIS is organizing its first training course for young people from 19 to 26 July 2020 at Casa Divin Maestro (Roma, Ariccia). Young people from all over the world, it is from the bottom of my heart that you are invited to pray, and to listen to the Holy Spirit and prepare yourself to assume the responsibilities which God calls you to take in order to respond to this trust that the Church places in us. I am looking forward to meeting you soon in Rome; let us walk together guided by the Holy Spirit.

Giulia Rancan
Youth representative of the International Service of Communion

The training will Include:

  • Baptism in the spirit with Father Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Day of Spiritual Exercises and healing prayer with Ironi Spuldaro
  • International Service of Communion Youth Representative Giulia Rancan will be present
  • CHARIS Moderator Jean-Luc Moens will be present


Double €700/Single €820

*CHARIS offers young people who cannot cover the full cost of the course the possibility to receive a discount up to €200 per person, thanks to CHARIS’ SPONSORING: for further information, please write an email to

The course will be in English, French, Italian, and Spanish (Translators needed!)

Requirements to participate in the course:

  • Be part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

  • Send a letter of recommendation from a leader: the prayer group, the community or the priest who accompanies the group to:

  • Be between 18 and 30 years old. 

Registration opening soon

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