The Continental Services of Communion

Here is how the statutes of CHARIS describe the Continental Services of Communion:

Article 12. Functions

The functions of the Continental Services of Communion are :

a) To create communion through the unity of hearts rather than through rigid structures;

b) To reach and embrace all the realities of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and to live unity in diversity;

c) To create a space for listening, sharing and discernment; d) To facilitate formation;

e) To help nations to establish a National Service of Communion where it does not yet exist.

Article 13. Composition and Meetings

§1 There are four Continental Services of Communion, namely America, Africa, Asia/Oceania and Europe.

§ 2 Each Continental Service of Communion is composed of one representative of each National Service of Communion, one representative of each network of communities present in the region, one representative of each international network of schools of evangelisation present in the region, two representatives of specific ministries on the continent, and two Catholics under 30 years of age.

§ 3 Each Continental Communion Service meets at least once every three years.

Article 14. Elections

§ 1 Each Continental Service of Communion chooses a Continental Coordination Team of seven persons, whose function is to facilitate the work of the Continental Services of Communion. The Continental Coordination Team meets at least once a year.

§ 2 The election is conducted in a spirit of prayer and discernment. Each member of the Continental Service of Communion has the right to speak and vote in the elections.

§ 3 For the election of the members of the Coordinating Team, voting is by secret ballot. For it to be valid, at least fifty percent of those entitled to vote must be present, with a two-thirds majority being required for the election.

§ 4  When a member leaves his post in the communion service, the replacement may come from another country, although the geographical area represented must be taken into consideration.

§ 5 Members of the Continental Services of Communion are elected for a term of three years, renewable only once consecutively.

International Service of Communion

National Services of Communion

CHARIS Statutes


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