Service to the poor

“How I would like a Church which is poor and for the poor!”

Pope Francis, 16 March 2013


One of the general objectives of CHARIS is to promote service to the poor and social action through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Statutes, art. 3: General Objectives

On this page you can learn more about this topic and get to know some of the many social initiatives that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal carries out around the world.

Human Promotion Commission 

Human Promotion and Charismatic Renewal

Human Promotion and Charismatic Renewal

Serving the most needy physically and spiritually In CHARIS we believe that we can dream of a better future in the world if we are faithful to God's inspirations and work together following the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel. This is what Pope Francis entrusted to...

Charismatic Renewal, social action and service to the poor

Charismatic Renewal, social action and service to the poor

  Invitation to the meeting: Charismatic Renewal, social action and service to the poor 1 July at 12:00 (Rome, GMT+2) - Youtube CHARIS International Watch here    Dear friends, Pope Francis at Pentecost 2019, during the inauguration of CHARIS, gave this...

Charismatic Renewal and Social action: a dialogue

Charismatic Renewal and Social action: a dialogue

Charismatics, my brothers! You who love to pray and love to listen to the Lord, stay awake and alert, as he so clearly stresses, we should in the Gospel, - so that you may never use prayer as a pretext for neglecting social and apostolic action; - so that you may not...

“I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink”

“I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink”

When members of the Charismatic Renewal in Lomé (Togo) discovered, during a prison evangelization that the prisoners had no running water, they mobilized to dig a well. Since then, the prisoners have been able to benefit from water all year round.   The Catholic...

Testimony from Uganda

Testimony from Uganda

We wish to testify about the inspiration and power of the Holy Spirit that has carried us to start an organization, “Dignified”, that has been working through the last 13 years in reaching out and working to restore the freedom, hope, and life of the communities and...

The Minute of God

The Minute of God

In Colombia, an evangelization initiative becomes an incredible social project led by charismatics.   The Minute of God, a social and charismatic work in Bogota (Colombia), is the result of the blessings of the Lord, received through Father Rafael Garcia Herreros...

“Poverty for us Christians is not a sociological, philosophical or cultural category, no. It is theological.”

(Pope Francis, Pentecost Vigil with the Ecclesial Movements, 18 May 2013)

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