International Service of Communion

CHARIS is an organization led by a Moderator, whose role is outlined in Article 11 of the CHARIS Statutes. The Moderator collaborates with the International Communion Service (CISC) to promote and develop the “current of grace” of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Church and for the Church.
The International Communion Service is committed to realizing, expanding, and promoting CHARIS’s objectives, following the indications of Pope Francis:
a) to share the baptism in the Spirit with all,
b) to work for the unity of Christians by promoting the ecumenical dimension,
c) to promote human development in the service to the poor.
Therefore, it is committed to fostering communion and unity within the Body of Christ and facilitating effective communication between ecclesiastical authorities and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal worldwide, in collaboration with the Holy See through the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life.
This requires constant contact with the landscape of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in its various expressions at the national, regional, and continental levels. An important commitment of the CISC is to ensure respect for the diversity within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, both in programs and projects and in relationships with other Churches and Christian communities. Furthermore, it dedicates itself to discernment and attention to needs of formation within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, as specified in Article 8 of the Statutes.
Pino Scafuro
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1965. He is married to Carina, has 2 children, Dante and Caterina. He has a degree in Psychology, specialising in Pastoral Counselling, Transactional Analysis and Logotherapy. He is an industrial entrepreneur. First contacts in 1984 with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and in 1985 he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Member of the Charismatic Community of Alianza Convivencia con Dios. Founding member of CRECES (Renewed Communion of Evangelicals and Catholics in the Holy Spirit). From 2013 to 2018 he was Vice-President of the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships. He was appointed by the Holy Father Francis, together with Michele Moran, Julia Torres and Oreste Pesare to constitute a new single service for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, later called CHARIS. Active member of ALPHA and member of the International Communion Service of CHARIS. Since 2021 he is Moderator of CHARIS.
Bishop Peter Leslie Smith
Ecclesiastical Assistant
Born in 1958 in South Africa, after studying law and business, Bishop Peter came to live in the United States in 1983. A member of the new “People of Praise” community, he was ordained a priest in 2001, was consecrated Bishop in 2014. He has several degrees in Theology and Canon Law. He is currently auxiliary bishop of Portland, Oregon. Until October 2023, he was a member of the CHARIS International Service of Communion, appointed by the Dicastery for the Laity. Bishop Peter lives with his Community. On February 12, 2024, Bishop Peter Smith has been named by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, Ecclesiastical Assistant for CHARIS, for the next mandate, until 2027.
François Prouteau
Representative of Associations of Pontifical Right
63 years old, married to Anne, father of four and also grandparent. He holds an engineering degree from IMT Atlantique and a PhD in Education and Training Sciences. He is a research professor at the Université Catholique de Lille (France). He speaks French, English and Spanish. He created the IFF Europe in 1989 and was the Director of this center associated to the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO-France) until 2006. He is involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1983, and as a collaborator (since 1987) at the service of the mission of Fondacio, a community born from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and recognized by the Holy See. Moderator of Fondacio (June 2013-June 2023), he has carried out numerous missions in Europe, West Africa, Central Africa, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia. A member of the International Service of Communion CHARIS since 2019 , he is coordinator of the Commission for Human Promotion. He is one of the teachers of the Integral Formation Program (IFP) initiated by CHARIS.
Elisabeth Namusoke
Representative of communities
Betty is a dedicated and passionate minister with a background in education. She was born on 04/09/1975 and is happily married to Prosper Mutebi with 3 sons. Betty joined the CCR in her first year at university in 1996 and served as the Worship Leader. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with a focus on Economics and Religious Education from Makerere Univ. Kampala. Betty’s work experience in the CCR includes serving as an organizing secretary for National Conferences at the National CCR Office in ’99. She joined the Yesu Ahuriire Community in Mbarara, Uganda in 2001 as a full-time minister. From 2002-04, she worked at the Diocesan Youth Office as Assistant Organizing Secretary. Then served as Diocesan CCR Youth Coordinator. Currently, she is the Head of Formation and Pastoral Care in the Ahuriire Community and also serves as Coordinator for their Evangelization Programmes on Radio Maria. She possesses spiritual gifts in Wisdom, Evangelization, Prophecy & Intercession. Betty’s passion lies in Discipleship, Intercession, Women and Youth ministry.
Br. James Yu
Representative of communities
Br James Yu was born in 1972 in S. Korea and is a religious brother belonging to the Kkottongnae community, which cares for thousands of abandoned and sick people in Korea and 17 countries. He currently stays in the western Sydney area of Australia to help the homeless, the needy, and the marginalized. Br James used to be a computer engineer but entered the congregation of Kkottongnae Brothers of Jesus after he received the baptism in the Spirit in 2005. He has been involved in the life in the Spirit seminars, the healing seminars, and the Holy Family seminars ever since. He gave help in translation and interpretation for CCR in Korea and ICCRS. As his main ministry, he reaches out to the homeless and the needy to give them physical and spiritual help.
Fr. Christophe Blin
Representative of charismatic priests
Fr. Christophe Blin is 63 years old and he is a French priest, Religious of the Chemin Neuf Community. Currently he lives in Berlin, Germany and he’s the leader of the Chemin Neuf Community in Germany. Before he was the international Chaplain of CANA, which is the ministry of the community for couples and families. He traveled all over the world (CANA is present in 50 countries) to evangelize and train couples as disciples of Christ in a very ecumenical environment. After his ordination as a priest, he was sent to the Sacred Heart Parish in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg where he was involved in the pastoral activities as assistant priest and then parish priest. He introduced Alpha in the parish and in the archdiocese of Berlin as well. He has been working with the Charismatic Renewal in France (he was member of the National Service of Communion between 2004 and 2007) and in Germany (from 1997 to 2003, and since 2021, as a member of the Council of the Charismatic Renewal). In 2021 he was elected in CHARIS Continental Service of Communion Europe.
Johnny Bertucci
Representative of ministries
Johnny Bertucci was born in 1961 in New Orleans, Louisiana where he still resides. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit as a teenager and since that time has been actively involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Johnny is currently President of The Ark and The Dove Worldwide, site of the historic Duquesne Weekend. He is former chairman of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the United States, now called Pentecost Today USA. For over two decades he has been involved in leadership with Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans alongside Patti Mansfield, participant of the 1967 Duquesne Weekend. He owns a small software development company. He and his wife Leslie have been married since 1985. They have five adult children and five grandchildren.
Josip Bilandžija
Youth representative
26 years old, husband and a father. Finishing MBA in Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, Croatia. He is full-time employed at the prayer group Born Again and have been deputy leader for the last 2 years. He serves as a member of the leadership team, leader of the organizational service, and member of the formation and mission team, serving in Croatia CNSC and European CCSC as youth representative and member of coordination team. He has been involved in many projects and activities in his prayer group and CCR, leading projects and formations, especially involved in youth formation on 4 levels based on the teachings of blessed Ivan Merz, leaders formation for youth prayer groups, and Youth for Peace project, started for purpose of reconciliation of people and different ethnic groups living in Croatia and neighbouring countries (in cooperations with dioceses from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). He served in the coordination team for intercessory service in CCR. Attended 2019 CHARIS Leadership Institute and 2021 CHARIS SLC.
Cathy Brenti
Executive Secretary and Representative for Europe
Born on February 11, 1953, Cathy is French. She was baptized in the Calvinist Reformed Church of France, the daughter of a Jewish father who “converted” to Protestantism in a camp during the Second World War, and a Catholic mother. She married Claude (1976), a permanent deacon (1988). They have three sons. Joined the Catholic Church with her husband in 1980. Member of the Beatitudes Community with Claude since 1978. On December 8, 2020, the Beatitudes became an Ecclesial Family of Consecrated Life under diocesan law. An interpreter in English, Spanish and Italian, Cathy worked until September 2023 for the Beatitudes publishing house, as head of the foreign literature department. She was a member of the ICCRS Board for nine years (1996-2005) and Vice-President for two years. She has travelled all over the world and knows the CCR well. She has extensive experience in organizing major events.
Tony Laureys
Representative for Europe
Born in Belgium in 1957, married to Myriam; 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Tony was baptized in the Spirit in 1978 and has been involved for many years in the leadership of the Catholic Jerusalem Community in Belgium, one of the founding communities of the Sword of the Spirit, an ecumenical community of communities. Currently he serves as their Regional President for Europe and the Middle East and as the international moderator of the fellowship of all the Catholics within the Sword of the Spirit. He also serves as a team member of the European Continental Service of Communion within CHARIS. In his local diocese Malines-Brussels he works in the area of evangelism.
Fred Adrian Mawanda
Representative for English speaking Africa
54 years of age and married to Pauline with four children, baptized in the Spirit while studying at the University in 1990. For the last twenty-five years he has been involved in the new evangelization in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR). He was the Diocesan Coordinator of the CCR in Masaka from 1994 to 2007. He handed that over and helped to start several youth ministries in Uganda, including the National Evangelization Teams that he started in 2003 and led for 12 years and handed that over to another leader in 2016. He has helped establish the Catholic Christian Outreach on University Campuses in Uganda and established the Catholic Schools Youth Ministry. He was the Moderator for 25 years of a Charismatic Covenant Community called Holy Trinity Community in Masaka Diocese. He served on the Executive Committee of the Catholic Fraternity from 2007 to 2016. He is involved in many evangelization, education, and poverty alleviation initiatives. He is currently the CISC representative for English Speaking Africa and is passionate about Empowering and Raising up Leaders, Youth and Education.
Jean-Christophe Sakiti
Representative for French speaking Africa
He holds the profession of an IT specialist and serves as the CEO of a company. In the local Church, he takes on the role of a trainer, conducting seminars to enhance the understanding and experience of the spiritual life for priests and leaders involved in the Renewal. Additionally, he actively collaborates with both the national and diocesan coordinations of the Renewal in Togo. On an international level, he extends his support to the national coordinations of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Africa. His responsibilities also encompass leading training sessions and evangelization missions for leaders in various African countries as well as the United States of America. Throughout his journey, he has assumed significant responsibilities. From 2007 to 2015, he served as the National Coordinator of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Togo, guiding its operations and initiatives. Moreover, he played a vital role as a member of the ICCRS Council and held the position of President of AFSCI from 2015 to 2019. Since June 2019, he has been an esteemed member of CHARIS International Service of Communion, contributing to its global efforts.
Cyril John
Representative for Asia/Oceania
Cyril John from India has served in the Parliament of India for 34 years and retired from service as Joint Secretary and Chief of Protocol. He has held various leadership roles in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at the diocesan, national, continental and international levels for the past 30 years. He was Chairman of Indian National Service Team and member of ICCRS Council & its Vice-President. He was also Chairman of ICCRS Sub-Committee for Asia-Oceania (ISAO). Cyril was appointed member of CHARIS International Service of Communion in 2018 representing Asia and is Coordinator of CHARIS Intercession Commission. Cyril is the author of 5 books of which “Pray Lifting Up Holy Hands” has been translated and published in 16 languages and ‘Prophetic Intercession’ in 10 languages. He has travelled to and ministered in 70 countries. In 2021 Pope Francis bestowed on him the title of Chevalier (‘Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great’) for his distinguished services in the Church. Cyril is married and has four children and three grand children.
Fe M. Barino
Representative for Asia/Oceania
Fe Mantuhac-Barino was born on December 7, 1957 in Cebu, Philippines. She finished her Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines and became a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Married to businessman Rafaelito Barino, they both founded Duros Group of Companies where Fe now sits as President. But her love for service prompted her to spread her wings beyond the confines of the corporate walls. Fe became an International Certified Addiction Recovery Specialist (ICARS) after undergoing training at the Asian Metropolitan University, Malaysia; and founded the faith-based drug recovery and renewal program, Surrender to God Foundation. She founded the Love of God Community, a Catholic Charismatic Community and became chairperson of the Archdiocese of Cebu CCR Services (ACCCRS) for 13 years. Fe has been the head of the Archdiocese of Cebu Commission on the Laity since 2018; a Trustee of the Sanguniang Laiko Ng Pilipinas (National Council of the Laity), and the Philippine Coordinator of CHARIS National Service of Communion since 2021.
Shayne Bennett
Representative for Asia/Oceania
Shayne is married to Shanelle and they have 3 married children. Shayne first encountered the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and was baptised in the Holy Spirit as a teenager in high school. Almost immediately, he became involved in a ministry of evangelization to other young people, a mission that has continued to the present as a formator of young missionaries working with NET Ministries Australia and New Zealand. Shayne and Shanelle have lived their whole married lives in the Emmanuel Community where Shayne has exercised a variety of leadership roles including Moderator of the Community. His mission has included supporting the Renewal in South East Asia and East Africa. He is the current Coordinator of the National Service of Communion and Regional Representative for Oceania. Shayne is Director of Mission and Faith Formation at the Holy Spirit Seminary in Brisbane and is a member of the Australian Bishops Council for Evangelization, Laity and Ministry.
Andrés Arango
Representative for the Americas
Andrés was born in 1976 in Medellin, Colombia. In 1995 he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and since then he has been serving God in different ministries. In 2001 he moved to live in the United States of America. Andrés is the Bishop’s Delegate for Hispanic Ministry and Director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, leading the Secretariat for Evangelization and Multicultural Ministries. He is member of CHARIS International Service of Communion representing North America and the Caribbean and coordinator of the Americas CHARIS Continental Service of Communion. Andrés served two terms as a consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs and two terms as the coordinator of the Hispanic Charismatic Renewal Committee of the United States and Canada. He is member of the USCCB Encuentro National Team of Hispanic/Latino Ministry. Andrés is a manufacturing engineer who holds a master’s degree in Theological Studies. He has spoken at various international conferences. He and his wife Katia are the proud parents of twin daughters. Andrés is the author of the books “Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Current of Grace”, “Be my Witness” and “Spirituality and Prayer: A Guide to Talk to God and Live Like Jesus”.
Eddy Reynoso
Representative for the Americas
He is a Licensed in Theology for the Laity, graduated from the Catholic University of Cuenca in the Academic Unit of Religious Sciences, on December 17, 2010. He has a Diploma in “THE EXPERIENCE OF PENTECOST AS A WAY OF UNITY OF CHRISTIANS” made in the University Corporation MINUTO DE DIOS, in Bogota – Colombia on December 12, 2022; has served at the head of the Prayer Groups since May 1995, from the period 2017 – 2019, assumed the responsibility of the Formation of Evangelizers in Zone 2 of the CCR of Ecuador, became National Coordinator of the CCR for 2 consecutive periods, 2019 – 2022 and 2022 – 2025, has been at the head of the Prayer Groups until today. From September 2022 he assumed responsibility in CHARIS National Service of Communion – ECUADOR.
Msgr. Joseph Malagreca
Representative for the Americas
Ordained a Roman Catholic priest for the Diocese of Brooklyn in 1976, Msgr. Malagreca is currently the pastor of the parish of the Holy Cross in Brooklyn, NY. He has ministered to immigrant groups from Latin America and Haiti for his entire priesthood. He speaks several languages in addition to his native English, including Spanish, French, Italian and Haitian Creole. Besides being a pastor, he is the Coordinator of the Charismatic Renewal for the Hispanics and the Haitians in the Diocese of de Brooklyn. Monsignor has also worked for the Charismatic Renewal on a national level. He served four years as the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Association of Diocesan liaisons. He is presently the Spiritual Director of the National Hispanic Service Committee in the US, as well as the Haitian Council for the Renewal for the US-Canada. He helped found both of these Committees in 1990. At present, as of February 2020, he is serving as the Coordinator of the CHARIS National Service of Communion for the USA.
Katia Roldi
Representative for the Americas
Katia lives and was born in Brazil. She is married to Sérgio Zavaris since 1994. In 1987 she was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Katia coordinates the CNSC – CHARIS National Service of Communion in Brazil. She is a member of the CCSC – CHARIS Continental Service of Communion in America, a member of the Workgroup to the Charismatic Expressions at the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB). She is the vice-president of CONCCLAT (Latin-American Catholic Charismatic Council). She was the president of the CCR-Brazil (Catholic Charismatic Renewal) from 2013 to 2019. She is the author of the book “O Céu que eu vi”, 2020; author of articles in CCR-Brazil Magazine and in Pentecosts Today Magazine, CCR/USA. Katia holds a degree in English language at The Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil) and a Post-Graduation in Language Teaching at Leeds University (UK). She is an English Teacher and an English language Translator/Interpreter.
Maria Eugenia de Gongora
Representative for the Americas
In 1976 Sheny and Rafael, still single, attended their first initiation retreat, where they had the most important experience of their lives: the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Married for 43 years, today Sheny is 64: two happily married sons and two daughters, three grandchildren enrich their lives. The Lord called them to organise one of the first youth groups, then they joined the general team of servants, advised the youth team, then the Archdiocesan coordination. With Rafael, they decided to dedicate themselves full-time to serving the Church. Then the national coordination, for this service she integrated the Latin American Council, served in the vice and presidency. From 2004 to 2014 she joined the ICCRS, representing Central and North America. Called to serve CHARIS in the International Communion Service in 2019.
Continental Service of Communion
National Services of Communion
CHARIS Statutes