Questions and answers
Doctrinal Commission - International Catholic Charismatic Renewal ServicesBaptism in the Holy Spirit
- Is baptism in the Spirit for everyone?
- Can a person be baptised in the Spirit more than once?
- Is baptism in the Spirit received only through the laying on of hands in the Life in the Spirit Seminar?
- What should I do after receiving baptism in the Holy Spirit?
- Should I pray for baptism in the Spirit for people living in a situation of sin?
- Can a non-baptised person receive baptism in the Holy Spirit?
- Is baptism in the Holy Spirit necessary for those who receive confirmation as adults?
- What should a newly charismatic person do if their spouse has not been baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Resting in the Spirit
- Mary and Ecumenism
- Labeled Masses
- How to evaluate prosperity teaching?
- Do all CCR groups need to be under their parish priest?
- Participating in non-Catholic communion services
- Can the Pope overturn the laws or teachings of the Church?
- Is Reiki compatible with Christianity?
- Does God test us?
- Can we be guided step-by-step by the Holy Spirit?
- What does “Christ descended into hell” mean?
- Is it licit to bless objects via the media?
- Is it right to speak about “forgiving God”?
- Is man a composite of body, soul, and spirit, or only of body and soul?
- How can the CCR reach out to those with same-sex attraction?
- Is it legitimate to speak of “impartation” of the Holy Spirit?
- Is it permissible to get a tattoo?
- Are charismatic prayer and worship obligatory?
Consultants in Canon Law and Theology