Week of prayer for Christian Unity 2022

Day 01

You lift us up and draw us into the fullness of your light.

“We have seen his Star appear in the East” (M.2,2b)



Pope Francis’s Prayer: We adore you, Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Father, send us the Holy Spirit that Jesus has promised us. He will guide us towards unity. He is the one who gives the charisms, who brings about diversity in the Church, and it is He who creates unity. Send us the Holy Spirit, to teach us all that Jesus has taught us and give us the memory of what Jesus has said. Jesus, Lord, You have asked for all of us the grace of unity in this Church that is Yours, not ours. History has divided us. Jesus, help us to go on the path of unity, of this reconciled diversity. Lord, you always do what you have promised, give us the unity of all Christians”. Amen


You may also visit the website at christianunity.va to find about more about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

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