You, young people of CHARIS, have met, prayed and wondered about holiness.

Holiness is the encounter with Jesus, of every day, the encounter of every moment. The encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist, in prayer, in the people. Jesus present, living with Jesus.

But that we cannot do that. We only have to open our hearts so that the Holy Spirit creates that encounter with Jesus. We have to give the Spirit the opportunity to enter in us and lead us on this path of holiness.

You, young people, don’t think that holiness is an unattainable thing, it is the Christian way of every day. Look no other way.

Let yourself be seduced by Jesus. Open your heart to the Spirit so that he transforms the life of each one of you. And always carry the Gospel in your pocket, because the word of Jesus is what will inspire you to go forward.

May God bless you! and please don’t forget to pray for me.


Pope Francis 

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