Papa Francesco e Jean-Luc Moens

Photo: Vatican Media

There is one point that lies at the heart of the intuition that led Pope Francis to want CHARIS created. It’s communion. His profound desire was – and still is – that all the realities of the Renewal should live in profound communion, a grace to be asked of God. If we want to let the Holy Spirit shape us more and more, let’s also let Him unite us. Our communion will be a sign of His presence. Here is my prayer on this 5th anniversary of CHARIS: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the holy Spirit be with all of you”. (2 Cor 13:14)

Jean-Luc Moens


It was a privilege to be involved in the establishment of CHARIS. I pray for all those now tasked with the responsibility of serving in the current of grace. May CHARIS continue to bring unity, strength and maturity to the Charismatic Renewal worldwide.

Michelle Moran


The inauguration of CHARIS was about more than a new structure. Pope Francis called the Catholic Charismatic Renewal into its own renewal …  a call for unity, faithfulness to the grace of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and a renewed missionary impetus. He boldly called us to share the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the whole Church and remain close to the most vulnerable. Not just a renewal but a revolution.

Shayne Bennett


Congratulation!!!  It is a great joy for us to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of CHARIS. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, a  baby CHARIS has become a child, 5 years old. Let us give our love and care for CHARIS to grow further! Amen!

Br. James Sin, Kkottongnae
South Korea


“But now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem. What will happen to me there I do not know, except that in one city after another the holy Spirit has been warning me that imprisonment and hardships await me.” (Acts 20:22-23)

CHARIS is a call to be available to go wherever the Lord sends us, with the assurance that the Holy Spirit will use us everywhere to proclaim the Gospel. The CHARIS mission will bear fruit even if we encounter trials along the way.

Jean-Christophe Sakiti


Papa Francesco e Pino Scafuro

Photo: Vatican Media



CHARIS is a space for the encounter of the immense Charismatic diversity that the Holy Spirit raises in the world, living in communion and service.

Pino Scafuro




See how they love each other, said the Lord;
may we always be witnesses of this love!



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