“Be rooted and built up in Christ” (Col 2,7)

We are living in a particular moment in the world, in which one, we are called to use the new forms of communication for evangelizationand formation. Also, for so many persons who are not able to attend onsite courses due to financial limitations.

Goal: train servants of the Charismatic Renewal in important areas of our mission in the church.
Place: On-line/Virtual Platform
Launch Date: January 2021
Length: 14-week course
Participants: open to anyone with the experience of Baptism in the Holy Spirit around the world.

Temporarily unavailable course


Area Teaching the Foundations/ Passing on the Vision:

1. History and Identity of the CCR

2. CHARIS mission

3. Ecclesiology

4. Theology of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)

5. Baptism in the Holy Spirit

6. Ecumenism

7. The Good News (Jesus)

Area of Practicum:

8 . Elements of a prayer meeting

9. Evangelization

10. Intercession

11. Life of a Leader

12. Service to the Poor

13. Charisms

14. The Body of Christ (Community)


  • Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa OFMCap
  • Bishop Peter Smith
  • Dr. Jean-LucMoens
  • Fr. Etienne Veto
  • JosephTosini
  • Dr. Mary Healy
  • Cyril John


  • Jean Christophe Sakiti
  • Jim Murphy
  • Bro. James Shin
  • Andres Arango
  • Jean Barbara
  • Charles Whitehead
  • Michelle Moran

Key Features:

  • Anointed Praise & Worship by national bands
  • Pre-recorded video of 1 hour duration
  • 1 powerful teaching per week
  • To be uploaded on What’s App group
  • Total 14 teachings
  • Teaching assignments to be submitted within a week
  • Live Zoom sharing in groups
  • Live Zoom interaction with teachers
  • Online Course Certificate will be issued

How does the CHARIS Servant Leadership Course online work? What is its pedagogy?

The course is made up of 14 video training sessions (one per week) which require 2h/2h30 of personal work each week: 1h/1h15 to follow the video, one hour to do the personal work which is requested at the end of each course. It is also necessary to allow time to participate in the sharing groups and the two Zoom sessions planned with the teachers.

The course begins of Friday January the 22nd.

In concrete terms, here is what will be proposed to each student:

1 – A general WhatsApp group will bring together all students. It is through this group that they will receive all the practical information they need to follow the training week after week. This is an information group. Students will not be able to put messages in this group.

2- Every Friday from 6:00 AM (New Delhi time), our technical team in India will put on YouTube the teachnig of the week. This teaching will only be available for 10 days and then it will be removed. Students will be notified by the WhatsApp general group of the url address to view the teaching. It is therefore imperative that each student view the video within 10 days.

3 – At the same time as the teaching, students will have access to the teaching handout and personal work requested by the teacher. This work must be between 200 and 250 words (no more).

4 – Each student will be part of a small WhatsApp sharing group of about 10 people, led by a facilitator. These small groups will be formed by grouping students by time zone. Each member of the group will submit his personal work (see point 3) to the group by the following Thursday after the video is released.

5 – In WhatsApp small groups, students can also ask questions. The facilitator can forward them to the course staff and teachers.

6 – At the end of each part of the course (foundations and area of practicum), a Zoom meeting (or perhaps different time zone meetings) will take place with the professors. They will answer the questions that have arrived in writing.

7 – At the end of the course, a diploma will be sent to all participants who have shown that they have completed the entire course.


CHARIS Servant Leadership Course 2021

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The CHARIS Servant Leadership Course (CSLC) started in January 2021 in English. Given the circumstances, and the desire to open up this course to as many people as possible, the CHARIS training committee decided to offer the course online. The response from participants confirmed the need for openness: 490 people registered from 55 countries all over the world!

The course consists of 14 video training sessions (one per week) requiring 2h/2h30 of personal work each week: 1h/1h15 to follow the video, one hour to do the personal work that is requested at the end of each video. Each participant is part of a sharing group.

There will also be two Zoom sessions with teachers, the course will end in April 2021.

There has been a great dynamism on the part of the participants who have shown from the outset a thirst to know more about the current of grace, in its foundations and perspectives, to discover the history and identity of the RCC, getting to the practical areas, evangelization intercession, charisms, etc.). This course is a ferment of unity among the participants, a unity that is more beautiful because it goes beyond the many geographical and physical limits.

The CSLC has already been translated into Polish and promoted by the National Communion Service of Poland. The French version of the CLC is in preparation.

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