Pentecost of Peace

Pentecost of Peace

On the occasion of Pentecost, an event named “Pentecost of Peace” was held in Assisi organized by the Obra di Maria and Canção Nova Communities and supported by CHARIS. Meetings for two separate groups were held for 2 days. They were attended by: The group...
Christian Unity

Christian Unity

It is with a feeling of expectation that I am here this morning! The waiting ends and I’m joyfully participating in the official launch of CHARIS, the tool devised by Pope Francis in order to renew and accompany – I’m using his words – “the current of grace”...
Evangelization Challenges

Evangelization Challenges

Il Vangelo di Marco 16 termina con le seguenti parole: “Allora essi partirono e predicarono dappertutto, mentre il Signore agiva insieme con loro e confermava la Parola con i segni che la accompagnavano.” Che bella descrizione di cosa si intende per attività...
Peter, do you love me?

Peter, do you love me?

Homily of Father Alexandre Awi Mello at Holy Mass during the Leaders’ Conference (Friday, June 7th)   We are living in a historical moment for the universal Church. The establishment of a unique service for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is much more than a...
1st CHARIS International Ecumenical Vigil

1st CHARIS International Ecumenical Vigil

On Saturday May 22nd the first International Ecumenical Vigil organized by CHARIS was transmitted  through the Christian Unity Commission. The Commission is made up of five Catholics and Christians of different Churches and communities. Holding the Vigil in four...
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