Reconciliation: Throwing the Cargo Overboard



  • Acts 27: 18-19, 21, They began to throw the cargo overboard.
  • Psalm 85, You, Lord, sowed favor to your land.
  • Luke 18: 9-14, All those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.



As Christians from different Churches and Traditions, we have unfortunately, over the centuries, accumulated plenty of baggage consisting of mutual distrust, bitterness and suspicion. We thank the Lord for the birth and the growth of the ecumenical movement over the past century. Our encounter with Christians from other traditions and our common prayer for Christian Unity encourage us to seek mutual forgiveness, reconciliation and acceptance. We must not allow the baggage of our past to hinder us from drawing closer to one another. It is the Lord’s will that we let go, in order to let God!



Forgiving God, set us free from the painful memories of the past, that wound our shared Christian life. Lead us to reconciliation so that, through the Holy Spirit we may overcome hatred with love, anger with gentleness, and suspicion with trust. We ask this in the name of your beloved Son, our brother Jesus. Amen.

You may also visit the website at http://www.christianunity.va/ to find about more about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

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