From July 17 to 21, in Fortaleza (CE – Brazil), the Shalom Catholic Community held the 26th edition of the Halleluya Festival, considered the largest Catholic festival of integrated arts in Latin America. Over 1 million people passed through the arena during the five-day free event.


Consecrated as a City of Peace, the festival featured performances by big names in Catholic music on the main stage, such as Father Fábio de Melo, Father Marcelo Rossi, Frei Gilson, Walmir Alencar, Adriana Arydes and Suely Façanha.

In addition to the concerts, the public had the opportunity to experience profound moments of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, which was taken from the Espaço da Misericórdia (Space of Mercy – the heart of the festival) – made up of a chapel, confessions, prayer and counseling – to the main stage, every night of the event.

Halleluya also had alternative stages scattered around the arena for other Catholic artists, offering a variety of rhythms, from rock to “pagoda”. Other spaces, such as Adventure, with sports and artistic performances, and the Cultural Arena, with shows, talks and even movies, complemented the program. All with the aim of giving everyone an experience with the Risen Christ.

“When we think of Halleluya as a City of Peace, the great objective – understanding Jesus Christ as our peace – is the transformation of people’s lives. During these days, we were inhabitants, citizens of the City of Peace. Specifically, disciples of Jesus Christ. All of us, those who have been working at Halleluya for more than 20 years, as well as those who came for the first time, had their lives transformed; transformed by the love of God that was manifested to us in service, transformed by the presence of the risen Jesus, who was manifested to us in the music, in the confessions, in the counseling, in the donation of food, in the donation of blood, in the entertainment and in the fraternity”, said Father Silvio Scopel, local leader of the Shalom Community of Fortaleza (CE – Brazil).


Historic edition


For Fábio Lima, consecrated member of the Shalom Community and coordinator of the event, the 26th edition of the Halleluya Festival broke all previous records, with more than 1 million people present over the five days, more than 9,000 kilos of non-perishable food collected and around 1,106 blood bags collected.

“I could say it was a Halleluya of records. We had records, for example, in our social work, food collection, blood collection, attendance records and records for so many things. But, above all, what remains is the record for evangelization.


About the Shalom Catholic Community


The Shalom Catholic Community is an International Private Association of the Faithful, with legal personality, recognized by the Holy See with the decree of February 22, 2007, with the then Pontifical Council for the Laity (whose competencies and functions are currently assumed by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life).

On the same date, in 2012, its statutes were definitively approved. Present in dozens of countries around the world, the Shalom Catholic Community is made up of men and women who, in the diversity of forms of life present in the Church, engage in community and missionary life with the aim of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men and women, especially those far from Christ and the Church.


Thaynara Portácio
Community History : comshalom




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