CHARIS organizes the first On-Line Seminar, dedicated to those who wish to train as evangelizers who in turn form new evangelizers for the preaching of the Word of God.

We are close to what you were hoping for: the practical-theoretical LOGOS seminar to announce the Word of God, because evangelizing is learned by evangelizing.

It is to train you on how to proclaim the Word and make you capable of forming other evangelizers better than you.

12 hours of study and practice.

For more information click here

Temporarily unavailable course

I thank God for this experience of the Course « Logos » in which I participated online.

A new way through which the Holy Spirit continues to form us to preach the Word of God, forming new evangelizers for the new evangelization.

This Course has renewed in me the desire to continue to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ so that many may find in Him New Life.

How happy I am when I evangelize! 

Jesus – Logos, « Mane nobiscum, Domine »

† Gérald C. Card. Lacroix
  – Archbishop of Quebec


When I registered for the Logos course, having heard of it from a dear brother in the Lord, I had felt and was convinced it was a call from God. Then, after some time, also due to events which had saddened me, I admit that my desire to attend it had grown colder. The course in fact has proven to be great opportunity and I strongly wish to thank, first, our Lord, along with all the staff and those who gave their time to so many brothers and sisters to provide such a tool to prepare for successful preaching.

I was struck by the theme of the tablet, which is normally a medicine – yet the Word chosen for preaching is just the same; so, we reflected on how important it is to choose, with care and method, in prayer, what to put into our tablet! And the idea of preaching to oneself in front of the mirror… that surprised me a little at the time. I mean those words were just for me, as if someone else was talking to me about what I had prepared for them! It was really for me!

The Logos course has provided the tools to draw preaching from our own hearts. Yet it has also helped me to reflect on preaching not only as a statement, claim or witness… but as a way of addressing someone, some real brothers and sisters. It is not just about communication, but also about relationships. So, it was even more rewarding to receive instruction, to be brought to share, to reflect and to be able to listen, in mutual interaction, to what all other attending brothers and sisters were sharing with us.
A big, big thank you.

Stefano Viti

At this time in history the Catholic world is experiencing considerable confusion, as Christian values lose their grip, since so much is questioned, in terms of faith, tradition, faithfulness to the Word and to the Magisterium of the Church, etc. As Benedict XVI said, ‘relativity reigns these days.’ So, these Logos courses are welcome and blessed, in that they go back to the basics of Christianity. This course has restored clarity on some notions of the Second Vatican Council concerning competence in studying and proclaiming the Word to be able to start preaching it with parresia, the Greek word for frankness. It is time to go back to kerygmatic and charismatic preaching, to preaching with the power of the Holy Spirit. The aim of this course now is to train and to send out evangelizers who are ‘persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient’ (2Tim 4:2) in the worlds like lambs among wolves (Lk 10,3), bringing the Good News that Christ has died and he is risen. Halleluiah!

Vincenzo Bellopede

Dearest, I still feel in my heart the joy of the days of the Logos Seminar. A big thanks to all who worked to make that experience possible, to our brothers and sisters who attended it and brought their edifying experiences. I particularly thank Danilo who put everyone at ease and managed to pick that unique special part in what each one of us shared.
Jesus is Lord!

Vito Cinquemani

I would also like to thank you, all your staff and all the brothers and sisters attending the course. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend these two days of prayer, which turned out to be quite demanding since they called on attendees to participate actively: it was not an easy task for me, since I still have difficulties ‘overcoming’ my own shyness. Yet the living presence of the Holy Spirit leading this meeting has brought me great joy and made me feel at ease and in harmony with you all. I can say that if we live in Jesus and we trust him, He is able to pull down all the human limitations that sometimes do not allow us to be open to the grace of the Lord! I am sure that such grace has flowed in abundance on all of us and that it will continue to bear fruit in the days to follow if we continue to hold tight to Jesus! Take care, everybody, and God bless you!

Linda Montibeller 

Dear Danilo, with M. Grazia we would like to thank Mirko, Anna, Vera, Tommaso and yourself for your generous presence and the time you have given us. Thanks also to our sisters and brothers who attended this two-day course and shared their experience and the gifts that the Holy Spirit has placed in their hearts. Thank you for sharing their story and the wonders the Lord has worked in their lives.
Above all we thank the Holy Spirit who called us to attend this course to be able to better serve our brothers and sisters he put and will put beside us. 
A big hug in Jesus.

Roberto and M. Grazia 

I grew up in a Christian family not as a Catholic but in Salvation Army.

I later moved to Nairobi Capital City where I felt a greater urge to be a Catholic, I was baptized in the year 2012 during the Easter Vigil, I am today confessing my Christian faith as a Catholic .

CHARIS LOGOS seminar is one of the greatest blessings of my life. The training empowered me to be organized in my preaching. I am able to speak the Word of God with more confidence.

My first Preaching after the seminar was from James 3:1- 12 “Power of the Tongue”.

I am very grateful to the facilitators; you opened my eye and now I am an Evangelizer ready to Evangelize and teach others to be good evangelizers.

God bless you so much. Keep up with the good work.
With Love,


Some reasons I would recommend the Logos seminar :
You’ll get simple but effective tools to organize, prepare and deliver your sermons
You’ll find yourself pleasantly surprised by the structure and by the way the webinar is organised and performed for you by CHARIS team. The time is flying swiftly.


I can recommend the LOGOS course to anyone who needs to present part of the Catholic faith in a structured and attractive way, guided by the Holy Spirit.


A big God Bless to you and your competent team.
This was truly an enriching experience for me specially to understand the importance of the – Take off – Main body of the preaching and Landing.


I would recommend the training to others especially here in Kenya because it’s a great tool for good preaching. Every Evangelist needs this type of training.

Nancy Owak

I want to thank you for an amazing experience.
The seminar was perfectly prepared down to the smallest detail. I learned a lot about preaching, many new things that I hadn’t even thought about before.

Ondřej Novák

When you discover a treasure, beyond joy, what changes is your horizon–the renewed drive to “go beyond”. This is the fruit of CHARIS’ Logos course, not just one of the many opportunities to learn techniques or tools, but rather, it is an adventure together to discover the gift that has been entrusted to us and that seems incredible — we are called to enrich with our poverty. To be evangelized by the Word and by one’s own words inspired by the Spirit — was like letting oneself be accompanied beyond ourselves, putting the Good News at the center, which is always in search of new announcers. A Word that needs to be first of all incarnated in the heart of those who want to proclaim it, in order to be brought into the world, and that carries within itself the urgency and the impetus to make us the sounding board of a message. A message that has the strength and power to transform the lives beginning with its ambassadors.

Zanon Ruggero

The message that remained with me after the LOGOS seminar is: the Word of God is not chained! (2 Tim 2:9); I cannot keep it for myself. Pepe Prado, with his direct and essential pedagogy, restored to me the awareness of the mission that the Holy Spirit conferred on me as baptized: he reminded me of the trust that God has placed in me. The facilitator, with a loving approach to the Word, invited us to speak about the truth of Jesus in our lives, giving us a compass to organize an effective and truthful preaching. What struck me is the care of the message and the care of how that message is transmitted: first, if you have no purpose in your life, then your preaching will be without purpose. This shocked me because preaching demands Truth. Second, if the message is not organized, it is a problem. The Spirit is order, which is why we needed some suggestions for clear and direct preaching. At this point, I believe I have the tools to practice and, above all, to transmit to my brothers what I have learned that is precious.

Cavedon Year

My name is Danilo and I am a member of the Association Via Pacis in Arco, Trentino, Italy. I am very happy and thank God for having been able to live this formative experience thanks to CHARIS with Josè Prado Flores. The seminar opened my heart and mind by giving me clear and immediate tools to learn the simple pedagogical method, the same one that Jesus used, in bringing the Word of God through preaching. Despite many years of walking in the Spirit, I consider this experience a fundamental stage in my life. I thank Formator Prado Flores for his ability to guide the participants with simplicity and professionalism in understanding the concepts of preaching the Word of God with extreme clarity.

Danilo Bonometti

These two things that impressed me in the LOGOS Seminar:


The Holy Spirit and the Word must dwell in my life to overflow into what I think, say and do. Romans 8:28 EVERYTHING IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE WHO LOVE GOD!

Our God knows how to draw good from evil. This Word gives me hope because even that which

in my eyes is evil in life, for God it is a “seed” of good. To God nothing is impossible!

From the cross, Life was born, and from our crosses –new Life will be born, because the last word will be God’s! Thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me, it is becoming a given gift.

Lucia Romani

It was a great experience. I would like to share the sentence that most impressed me.

“If you do not have a goal in life, not even your mission, your evangelization will not have one.”  A burning phrase, categorical, yet stimulating and vivaciously provocative. If I participated in this seminar it is because I feel in me the desire to announce and to be an instrument in the hands of God. This phrase has called me back and urges me to keep my attention on the goal of my life because when I am convinced of my direction, I can be a credible witness, missionary and credible announcer of Jesus Christ’s love first for me and then for others. It was a short seminary that excited me and renewed my desire to use myself for God, in the Church, so that every eager man can have a personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit. It was a short but intense seminary and, above all, full of hope. José H. Prado Flores, assisted by his collaborators, involved me with enthusiasm and a great simplicity of spirit. From this seminar, I learned many precious things, two of which are:

God wants to use us as heralds of His Gospel and that, precisely through the personal experience we have made of Him, we are enabled and made worthy of this great mission and responsibility;

Each of us has different gifts, characteristics, styles and charisms: it is therefore not important to copy the great preachers we have heard or admire. What is most important is to have the purpose of our evangelization very clear and to pursue it with the specific gifts we have. In this, we can bear witness to God and proclaim it precisely through our uniqueness.

Fambri Tommaso

Participating in the Logos seminar was like going on a journey: a flight from ourselves to others. It is a practical seminar, full of useful suggestions to immerse yourself in the preaching of the Word. I really liked the examples provided and the sharing among all the participants in the practical tasks to build preaching. One does not learn by oneself, but with the experiences of all. To be ready for action following the example of the Holy Spirit: in order!

Ilaria Marisa

I could tell you many positive things about the Logos seminar of CHARIS that we have participated in the past few days; I will limit myself to two which particularly impressed me. The first is the style of training. We have been guided in a path of progressive learning of the ways of evangelization, so that they are really effective and the message can reach those who listen: understand the needs of those in front of them, articulate the discourse in a clear way, use the voice and the body so that the heart, the passion we have, can emerge in our words. All this – and much more – however, has not been dropped from above, as a sort of “method” to learn and apply, but each of us has been helped to rework the essential coordinates according to our own style, character, formation, since it is what we are that “speaks”, before and through what we say. Finally, I could not leave out a grateful thought to our trainer, Pepe Prado Flores. Despite the fast pace and fatigue that is surely involved coordinating a course of many hours, he always showed attention to all of us, to our needs, and to misunderstandings; always courteous and friendly, ready to value what we did and to push us to improve. Thank you.

Mirko Combs

I have just participated in the CHARIS Logos Seminar, masterfully animated by Pepe Prado Flores. We were a dozen people to follow the training in Italian on Zoom.

Different points touched me:

– The interactive pedagogy which allowed our small group to get to know and appreciate each other. This is why the seminar is given in groups of 12 people;

– The formation recommended to all those who want to learn how to prepare and preach in the Charismatic Renewal: The Seminar is full of very useful practical advices, but also of spiritual suggestions for learning how to follow the Holy Spirit;- The presence of many young people at this Seminar which is specially adapted for them: it is a very useful formation for future servers of the Charismatic Renewal called to exercise responsibilities;

– The communicative zeal of our host, Pepe Prado, for the Word of God and the fire that he was able to share with us in few hours.

It was an unforgettable experience. I recommend this experience to anyone who wants to progress in the art of preaching by listening to the Holy Spirit.

Jean-Luc Moens


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