We wish to testify about the inspiration and power of the Holy Spirit that has carried us to start an organization, “Dignified”, that has been working through the last 13 years in reaching out and working to restore the freedom, hope, and life of the communities and victims ravaged by prostitution, human trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation in Central Uganda. Over the years, we have witnessed the conversion and growth of many women and men. We have seen the complete transformation, revival, and renewal of families and the revamping of their livelihoods all through our Christ centered program.

For the last decade, encouraged by the example of our Lord in reaching out to Mary Magdalene and by his response to the accusation laid on the adulterous woman, “Dignified” started going out to young girls and women who were working as prostitutes in the slums, streets, brothels, bars and recreational centers in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. Then, starting with one day retreats, during which our team shared the word of God, along with simple meals, Dignified’s work has grown to include more outreaches. During both day and night, Dignified has reached out to more sex work hubs, it has created extensive exit support and rehabilitation program and a separate program that focuses on the rehabilitation of children born in contexts of prostitution. Out of the experience with numerous survivors, we have over the years come to appreciate the central role of healthy and functional families to end commercial sexual exploitation and abuse. We now also focus our preventive efforts in helping individuals living in the most prone to and poverty-stricken communities, in order to understand how to foster an environment within their homes that enables them to grow deeper in faith, love, and practical wisdom, together with their families, so that they may overcome the numerous challenges and pressures that may force them to return to prostitution .

Slum in Kampala

We wish to briefly highlight and share the amazing stories of two daughters of God, who encountered God’s love and care through Dignified, Jane and Gloria . Dignified met these young ladies aged 17 and 20 years old respectively, in sex trade, through our programs, seven years ago. Through our psycho social support and education interventions given to each of them, we have witnessed the hand of God upholding these daughters of God and they have wonderfully emerged as strong members of the community, who are positively influencing members of their families and communities. Each of them is now independent, Jane recently graduated with an honor degree in Counseling (2nd class upper division) and is specializing in working with children. She also runs her own African craft accessory line in one of the townships located in the Greater Kampala. Jane is getting married soon this year.

Gloria, on the other hand, has experienced God’s providence in many ways: Dignified managed to offer her fashion and design skills at one of the tertiary institutes in Kampala, which she successfully completed in 2015. We witnessed God’s goodness in the life of Gloria, in December 2015, when she joined hands with her husband in holy matrimony. Gloria is currently running her own fashion and design boutique in the city center.

Despite the challenges and sacrifices our team encounters to reach out and journey with several other girls and women, these stories of God’s evident power of restoration through our simple actions, continues to convince us of his heart and call of each one of us to go out to those on the margins of life and society.

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